Colour in Context
Research group
Computer Vision Center

Color and luminance information in natural scenes

C. Alejandro Parraga, Gavin Brelstaff, Tom Troscianko
Journal of the Optical Society of America A, Volume 15, Number 3, page 563--569 - 1998
IF: 1.645. area: OPTICS.
Download the publication : (JOSA 15, 1998).pdf [179Ko]  

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BibTex references

  author       = "C. Alejandro Parraga and Gavin Brelstaff and Tom Troscianko",
  title        = "Color and luminance information in natural scenes",
  journal      = "Journal of the Optical Society of America A",
  number       = "3",
  volume       = "15",
  pages        = "563--569",
  year         = "1998",
  ifactor      = "1.645",
  area         = "OPTICS",
  url          = ""

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