Colour in Context
Research group
Computer Vision Center

Image fusion with additive multiresolution wavelet decomposition. Applications to SPOT plus Landsat images

Jorge Núñez, Xavier Otazu, Octavi Fors, Albert Prades, Vicenç Pala, Roman Arbiol
Journal of the Optical Society of America A, Volume 16, Number 3, page 467--474 - 1999
IF: 1.864. area: Optics. Quartile: 1.
Download the publication : JOSA467_1999.pdf [668Ko]  

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BibTex references

  author       = "Jorge N\'u\~{n}ez and Xavier Otazu and Octavi Fors and Albert Prades and Vicenç Pala and Roman Arbiol",
  title        = "Image fusion with additive multiresolution wavelet decomposition. Applications to SPOT plus Landsat images",
  journal      = "Journal of the Optical Society of America A",
  number       = "3",
  volume       = "16",
  pages        = "467--474",
  year         = "1999",
  keywords     = "remote sensing, image fusion, wavelet",
  keywords     = "remote sensing, image fusion, wavelet",
  ifactor      = "1.864",
  quartile     = "1",
  area         = "Optics",
  cites        = "23",
  url          = ""

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