A low computational-cost method to fuse IKONOS images using the spectral response function of its sensors
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Volume 44, Number 6, page 1683--1691 - 2006
IF: 1.752. area: Engineering, Electrical & Elec. Quartile: 1.
IF: 1.752. area: Engineering, Electrical & Elec. Quartile: 1.
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@Article\{GOF2006, author = "Maria Gonzalez-Audicana and Xavier Otazu and Octavi Fors and Jesus Alvarez-Mozos", title = "A low computational-cost method to fuse IKONOS images using the spectral response function of its sensors", journal = "IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing", number = "6", volume = "44", pages = "1683--1691 ", year = "2006", keywords = "remote sensing, image fusion, wavelet", keywords = "remote sensing, image fusion, wavelet", ifactor = "1.752", quartile = "1", area = "Engineering, Electrical \& Elec", cites = "16", url = "http://cat.cvc.uab.es/Public/Publications/2006/GOF2006" }