Colour categories boundaries are better defined in contextual conditions
Perception, European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 2009), Volume 38, page 36 - Aug 2009
IF: 1.462. area: PSYCHOLOGY. Quartile: 3.
IF: 1.462. area: PSYCHOLOGY. Quartile: 3.
In a previous experiment [Parraga et al, 2009 Journal of Imaging Science and Technology 53(3)] the boundaries between basic colour categories were measured by asking subjects to categorize colour samples presented in isolation (ie on a dark background) using a YES/NO paradigm. Results showed that some boundaries (eg green - blue) were very diffuse and the subjects´ answers presented bimodal distributions, which were attributed to the emergence of non-basic categories in those regions (eg turquoise). To confirm these results we performed a new experiment focussed on the boundaries where bimodal distributions were more evident. In this new experiment rectangular colour samples were presented surrounded by random colour patches to simulate contextual conditions on a calibrated CRT monitor. The names of two neighbouring colours were shown at the bottom of the screen and subjects selected the boundary between these colours by controlling the chromaticity of the central patch, sliding it across these categories´ frontier. Results show that in this new experimental paradigm, the formerly uncertain inter-colour category boundaries are better defined and the dispersions (ie the bimodal distributions) that occurred in the previous experiment disappear. These results may provide further support to Berlin and Kay´s basic colour terms theory.
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@InProceedings\{BPV2009, author = "Robert Benavente and C. Alejandro Parraga and Maria Vanrell", title = "Colour categories boundaries are better defined in contextual conditions", booktitle = "Perception, European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 2009)", volume = "38", pages = "36", month = "Aug", year = "2009", abstract = "In a previous experiment [Parraga et al, 2009 Journal of Imaging Science and Technology 53(3)] the boundaries between basic colour categories were measured by asking subjects to categorize colour samples presented in isolation (ie on a dark background) using a YES/NO paradigm. Results showed that some boundaries (eg green - blue) were very diffuse and the subjects\´ answers presented bimodal distributions, which were attributed to the emergence of non-basic categories in those regions (eg turquoise). To confirm these results we performed a new experiment focussed on the boundaries where bimodal distributions were more evident. In this new experiment rectangular colour samples were presented surrounded by random colour patches to simulate contextual conditions on a calibrated CRT monitor. The names of two neighbouring colours were shown at the bottom of the screen and subjects selected the boundary between these colours by controlling the chromaticity of the central patch, sliding it across these categories\´ frontier. Results show that in this new experimental paradigm, the formerly uncertain inter-colour category boundaries are better defined and the dispersions (ie the bimodal distributions) that occurred in the previous experiment disappear. These results may provide further support to Berlin and Kay\´s basic colour terms theory.", ifactor = "1.462", quartile = "3", area = "PSYCHOLOGY", url = "" }